100 every day. 100! This is the number of new HIV/AIDS infections in Russia every day. Not only does Russia have the highest infection rate in Europe (read the story), but it has among the fastest growing AIDS epidemics in the world (read the story). 100 new infections every day!
HIV/AIDS is wreaking havoc on the continent of Africa. Many of you have become personally involved in this struggle against disease for the sake of orphans. I have just returned from Swaziland and South Africa. I was confronted by this horrible disease every day. But AIDS is not only taking lives in Africa. There are victims all over the world. And what is happening in Russia is haunting. A study revealed that 60% of orphaned street kids in St. Petersburg are HIV positive (read the story).
In Russia, the HIV/orphanhood correlation works as a vicious cycle. Increasing rates of HIV-infected mothers is resulting in increasing numbers of abandoned children and babies. Conversely, as the number of abandoned children is on the rise, Russia is seeing an emerging subgroup of orphaned street kids who are are exhibiting increasing rates of HIV-infection.
You can be a part of slowing or even stopping this cycle. By reaching out to a child in need, you can offer hope and healing. Go to www.hopechest.org to learn more about what we’re doing to help orphans in Russia. Email us to learn how you and your church can get involved.