More precisely, what personal possessions would you sell in order to stop a little girl from being raped for profit? Ponder that for a moment while I give a big thank you to my readers….

*UPDATE* Children’s HopeChest has raised the full amount needed for this project. If you are still motivated to give, we will use your donation for similar projects within our ministry.*

Yesterday, readers from across the country contributed over $1,400 toward the rescue of virgin girls being sold for rape in India. That almost funds the whole rescue. If we receive $6,300 more, the girls will have professional, biblical, Christian counseling for one year after their rescue. We still need your help, and you can give by clicking the donate button to the right.

Yesterday I was contacted by Tami, a reader who is holding a garage sale this weekend to sell her stuff and donate a portion of the sale to this rescue operation. If you live near the Wichita, look her up on Facebook to get directions to her sale.

Tami is selling her stuff to stop children from being raped in this brothel in India.  So I thought I’d pose that question to a larger audience…what would you sell?

Maybe you’d sell nothing. Give nothing. And do nothing. If you are in the do nothing camp, why so?

But you might think of things you no longer use–or have never used–like that gift from your mother-in-law you got six Christmases ago.

You might also think about stuff you want to upgrade to new things like your TV, iPhone, computer, or furniture. Maybe your clothes or mattresses or books or kids’ toys.

For a moment you might entertain something larger like a car, or maybe even your house. But you would likely dismiss these as crazy or “radical.”

We’re usually willing to sell the useless stuff and the things we want to trade up for new stuff.

The big stuff is off-limits. We “need” those things. Without them life would be impractical. Now watch this video for David Platt’s book, Radical.

Now watch it again.

Platt nails an important truth about God’s kingdom by exposing how the earthly stuff of our lives is in direct opposition to the radical obedience expected by Jesus. We cannot stretch out our hands and arms to serve the poor when they are clutching tightly to our things.

10 girls in India need your help today. You can rescue them from a life of rape and abuse by donating some of your stuff today…

*UPDATE* Children’s HopeChest has raised the full amount needed for this project. If you are still motivated to give, we will use your donation for similar projects within our ministry.*

Selling our possessions is not only a metaphor for being wholly devoted to God. It is a tangible way to demonstrate that those possessions do not own us.

I’m interested in your thoughts on this, and what you are doing to practically live this out. Leave your comments below…

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