Millions of kids in the world are walking around without shoes on. Tim Lotz is just another kid in that crowd, walking to and from school with nothing to cover his feet from the elements. But Tim lives in Michigan where shoes are plentiful. He can afford them. He owns them. He just decided not…

It was Abraham Lincoln who said (or perhaps wrote), “I’m sorry I wrote such a long letter. I did not have the time to write a short one.”  The discipline of brevity is not easily mastered. Distilling thoughts to their essence takes much longer. A few weeks ago, we Children’s HopeChest asked sponsors to describe their…

It’s a question we ask kids all the time. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  The most popular answers? Astronaut, doctor, super hero, veterinarian,  pop star, race car driver, secret agent, athlete, firefighter, pilot, zookeeper, and President of the United States. On my very first trips to Russia, we would ask the kids what…

For the past year, HopeChest and AIM have partnered in creating the Swaziland Leadership Academy, a specific and intentional program designed to train Christian leaders from our CarePoints. Local leaders identify children from our CarePoints who qualify for this intensive discipleship and leadership training program. This story comes from the very first class of SLA…

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