Earlier this week I blogged about how we tend to approach poverty in the aggregate, using abstract and enormous statistics. [Original Post] Last month, one of our staff members visited a classroom of 170 orphans and vulnerable children. So many children packed this room, she had to take two photos–and that still didn’t capture all…

The Cape of Good Hope is one of the southernmost, and most beautiful, places in all of South Africa. From there  you can look out upon the meeting of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. You are standing on the edge of a continent at the edge of the world. It is breathtaking. See for yourself.…

There are approximately 3.8 million children in South Africa who have lost one or both parents in South Africa. Today I want you to meet about 200 of those children who are attending Holiday Camp at Kwa-Ngcolosi. Watch the video to see the kids of Kwa-Ngcolosi, and the leaders of this special place, Milton and…

Unfortunately, we tend to look at poverty in aggregate, worldwide terms. We are conditioned to statistics that tell us about the 1 billion people who do not have access to clean drinking water (which is the source of 80% of all disease and kills more people than violence and war). These are important statistics. They…

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