Sometimes there’s a lot more going on than we can see with our physical eyes. At least, that appears true in the case of Alexandra Warwick. I first introduced you to Alexandra in this post, Rejecting Slacktivism. I was intrigued by the massive response to the Kony 2012 video campaign. As the likes and shares…

It was Abraham Lincoln who said (or perhaps wrote), “I’m sorry I wrote such a long letter. I did not have the time to write a short one.”  The discipline of brevity is not easily mastered. Distilling thoughts to their essence takes much longer. A few weeks ago, we Children’s HopeChest asked sponsors to describe their…

For the past year, HopeChest and AIM have partnered in creating the Swaziland Leadership Academy, a specific and intentional program designed to train Christian leaders from our CarePoints. Local leaders identify children from our CarePoints who qualify for this intensive discipleship and leadership training program. This story comes from the very first class of SLA…

It was just a few months ago that HopeChest was busy selling t-shirts to benefit our sex trafficking prevention efforts in Moldova, and providing some needed support for Haiti. Tucked in there was the chance to win a free missions trip with HopeChest. Something that Alexandra Warwick had been dreaming about. She wrote on her…

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