Red Letters

Every December 1 marks World AIDS Day. Today, the world will pause to remember the over 25 million people who have died from AIDS during the past 30 years. AIDS is the most destructive epidemic of our time, and continues to tear apart families and societies. In 2007, 2 million people died of AIDS. 270,000…

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a “young mother.” Yet, Mary’s prayer after discovering that she’ll be the mother of the Messiah is full of wisdom beyond her years. In Russia there are other young mothers being taken care of by Children’s HopeChest in our Ministry Centers. As the first Christmas began with Mary’s prayer…

Find out more about Change Their Story, a Christmas Campaign of Children’s HopeChest to raise $50,000 to help over 5,000 children overcome poverty, abandonment, and violence.

This Friday, millions of Americans will hit the malls, superstores, and shops for the door-buster deals of Black Friday and then again on Cyber Monday. It’s the beginning of the $447 billion spending extravaganza this Christmas season. Did you shop on Friday? Are you buying it all up on Monday?! A few years ago, I…

The season of Advent, which begins today, is one of remembrance and anticipation. We remember the first coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world. Yet it is also a season of anticipation, as we know that God has promised to come again. The central theme of Christ’s first advent…

No, I’m not talking about a cult. When I lived in east Texas, one of my neighbors was Garner Ted Armtrong whose father founded a cult, The Worldwide Church of God. He use to cuss like a sailor at us on the golf course and was finally caught making sexual advances to a massage therapist in Tyler and had…

The book our cohort has just read for my Doctorate at George Fox University is entitled, Introduction to Ecclesiology by Veli-Matti Karkkainnen. Ecclesiology is a fancy word for ‘the study of the church.’ This is not a subject that’s typically at the top of my list but this book has me thinking. What does it mean to be the church…

Today is likely one of the most important days of the entire year. Why? Because it focuses on a very important characteristic that is missing in our culture: Gratitude.  Gratitude helps us to focus on what has the most value in this life; the love we share with one another, the people who have made…

I’ll be speaking at The Idea Camp with a great group of my friends including Chris Marlow and Nicole Wick. We’ll be meeting in Northwest Arkansas on February 25th & 26th. I would love for all of you to join us. If you care about the needs of orphans around our world or have a heart for adoption, this is the place…

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