Red Letters

Confession time. While researching what elements go into a great novel, I became a huge fan of Harry Potter and the magical world woven together by author JK Rowling. And while Christians are certainly “disputatious” about what the books mean and whether they are good for kids, I steer clear of those debates. Sure there…

Truly, Anne Rice’s comments on ‘quitting Christianity’ have stirred a great debate. I’m thankful for every comment left on my blog and Facebook yesterday. Personally, it’s helped me gain perspective. Hopefully is has caused each us to examine our lives, think about what we truly believe, and see if our actions and behaviors are consistent with those…

I’ve deliberately waited to respond on this topic, as I wanted to see what would bubble out of the blogosphere after Anne Rice’s announcement that she “quit Christianity.” What Rice describes is a set of behaviors that she observes in the lives of other Christians. I support Rice, and similarly have no patience for those…

HopeChest has just announced two pastor scholarships are now available for our September 2010 mission & vision trip to Ethiopia. If you are a pastor who would like to connect your church to a community of orphans overseas for the purpose of long-term support, care, and transformation, then I invite you to find out more…

Perspective. Today’s post really got me thinking about my life vs. the rest of the world. I thought I would make a top 10 list of the things I’m grateful for that most of the world doesn’t have access to. It’s helping me think differently about them and me. What would my life look like without these…

Bringing you another Share the Love post, this time I am guest blogging for Kari Gibson at My Crazy Adoption. Watch this video [disclaimer, there’s one bad word in there]. Then head over to Kari’s blog for the rest of the story. Click to Read Water Parks, By Tom Davis. Comment below or email me…

Following up on yesterday’s post, I want to dive into the topic of “the world”–a phrase that Jesus uses often in opposition to “the Kingdom of God.” Jesus talks about Kingdom values and ethics–which typically center on repentance, obedience, love, humility, and service. And he contrasts those with worldly values and ethics–lust, greed, selfishness, pride,…

My first article for Beliefnet was a little piece titled, “Why Christians Suck.” I made the case that our faith is largely disconnected from our actions. In short, we suck because we do not do what Jesus commands us to do. There was another group of people who lived like this in the first century.…

As a father of seven, I know how challenging it can be to keep your kids inspired and focused on something greater than themselves. There are so many competing voices in our culture pulling them in a million different directions. As a parent or mentor, what can you do to help guide them spiritually?  One…

When I heard about the $2,000 tortilla chip, I wanted to share this story on my blog about the intersection of our perspective on our resources when life happens to us. This is part of an occasional feature I will do called “Share the Love.” On “Share the Love” days, I’ll provide a guest post from…

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