Why does the mall want to send a woman, who came to spend money (and was prepared to spend whatever it took), home empty handed. We bought one dress for $25. That was it! We spent more money eating than we did actually buying merchandise. All three of us needed an Easter dress and the girls needed Easter shoes. We got one dress.
We decided to leave the mall and see if we could find a Kohls and of course we could because they are everywhere. I found a blouse (not sure what I’m going to wear it with) and Sarah found a skirt (not sure what she is going to wear it with) that was it.
The clothes out today stink, they are ugly, the colors are ugly and it looks like it escaped from stuffy Aunt May’s couch. And they are so immodest. Why would I allow my fourteen year old to go anywhere in this or this. That would be lovely for church. And doesn’t the second one look like a bed spread or Aunt May’s couch cushion.
Because we took too long shopping, we were unable to get back in time to prepare for the evening Good Friday service. Read more about that here.
And now, I get to do it all over again tomorrow.

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