First of all, I think that I owe an apology to those who have been effected by this RC Sproul, Jr. trial. Whether the RPCGA denomination or the people who lodged a compliant against Sproul. All I wanted to do was get Sproul’s side of the story out there because all I hear is one side but I should have been more balanced. I don’t know what happened and who is telling the truth and it’s not for me to judge. I’m going to just give you everything I got and let you decide what to think.
I have already linked to Pastor Shaun, please read the comments of his post because he clarifies what he meant, and the other commenters have links to other material you might want to look at. Here is a link to Karen of from the prairie, she has links to a couple articles, just keep scrolling. I hope that helps.
I think that I will take Pastor Shaun’s advice and pray for all those involved and I recommend you do the same thing. I pray that the people who lodged the original complaint will not let a bitter root grow if they do not receive the justice that they believe they deserve and I pray for RC Sproul Jr., if he is innocent of the charges, I pray that God will vindicate him. And I pray that they Lord will remind us all that we are brothers and sisters in Christ:

John 13:35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

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