I’ve been tagged by Kim from HIRAETH to name 10 of life’s simple pleasures:
1. Chocolate
2. Rib-eye steak, smoked on the grill
3. Bed-time kisses and hugs from my daughters
4. Their looks of love when I’ve made them happy (usually buying them something or taking them to a movie)
5. Finally understanding a theological concept that was evading me
6. Talking to my husband on the phone (especially after a test 🙂
7. The sound and smell of the ocean at dusk especially after you have been at the beach all day.
8. The Windmill hotdogs (or hamburgers) after a day at the beach.
9. Comments after writing a particularly difficult post.
10. My morning cup of tea
Don’t infer anything from the order :-).
Thanks, Kim that was fun. I tag:

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