In case you were wondering what I’ve been up to (just humor me) I have had a week!
I had an English I final on Monday. It was a two-hour final exam essay. (I tell you, my brain is in better shape than my body is) and good news-I just found out I’m getting an A in that class.
Tuesday I went to Washington DC for the RNC Presidential Gala. Now before you say, wow!, let me just say…it wasn’t all that. We did have some reknown speakers come to address us during the two days we were there. Senator John McCain, Mary Matalin, Ken Mehlman (the chairman of the RNC) and Karl Rove. We also did have the secretary of Energy, (I forgot his name because he was forgettable…I almost fell asleep). I came away with all the usual talking points but now that I have had time to process them, I find myself a little disenchanted with the Republican party. Politics is a very interesting process, it can be so easy to jump on the bandwagon without really thinking. Which I think is what politicians are banking on, that we don’t think.
Why just reading the news today, I’m mad that the Senate has decided to give illegal immigrants social security benefits. What is that??!!
Wednesday night I went to the gala. Saw George Bush, check out my picture above. It was cool,I have to admit.
Unfortunately, we had this drunk guy cause a ruckus right where I was standing so the secret service ushered Bush away from where I was standing so I didn’t get to shake his hand. Bummer.
And today I had my last final!! It was a two-hour exam with not one but three essay questions! You might not think this is much but hey, I have a 43-year old brain here! I fear that I did not do well, but the thing I have to keep reminding myself is that I tried my best. I’m praying that the Lord helps me realize that more fully, you know not just in my head but in my heart too.
Now that I have all this behind me, I can take a deep breath–inhale/exhale.
Now I will really make the best of the time I have over the summer to read books I want to read (Michele, I’m reading Calivinism in the Las Vegas Airport too, good thing you bought a copy and weren’t waiting for me to lone it too you because my husband flooded our laundry room last week and pretty much water-logged my book)so I look forward to hearing what you think of it.
I also can’t wait to get into my garden, I miss being a *normal* person.

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