So, each week I wonder if I will continue this silly meme and each week I think, “Why not?” And since I can’t think of a reason not to, here it is. This week I googled “I stole this from” and I started doing 2 other memes but got bored so here is the third and final attempt (BTW, I shortened it to a one sentence answer, in the original it was 3 answers — some people have more free time than I do 🙂 :
20 years ago I . . .
was in college and working part-time to pay for it.
10 years ago I . . .
was still recovering from having my second baby and adjusting to life with two kids instead of one.
5 years ago I . . .
preparing to leave my Lutheran church that had been my Christian home for 5 years to become a Presbyterian.
3 years ago I . . .
was getting ready to start seminary
1 year ago I . . .
was thankful the semister was over and faced the fact that I had a lot of work to do that summer writing a Bible study on the book of Judges.
So far this year I . . .
finished a semester at seminary and started blogging and started a blogroll :-).
Yesterday I . . .
spent almost the whole day trying to figure out how to post html on the blog and added new women to the blogroll.
Today I . . .
am cleaning my house.
Tomorrow I will . . .
probably try to finish The Da Vinci Code.
In the next year I will . . .
be trying to figure out how to continue blogging while I’m teaching Revelation at my church and attending seminary.
In the next minute I will . . .
publish this and add another woman to the blogroll.
You know the drill, if you decide to play, I’ll link to you.
Updated to add:
Here are the two quickest players so far:
Kelli— she did the long version.
Kim — she did the short version.
Everyday Mommy “stole” it from Kim
Tess Talks “stole” it form Everday Mommy