We have a new look! I found this template through one of the new Blogging Chicks. I was checking out her site to make sure she really was a chick and the profanity was at a reasonable level (don’t ask what is a reasonable level) and I noticed how nice her blog looked. I noticed that she had a link to the designer and I was happy to discover that she had free templates and she had just the one I was looking for.
It took me all of yesterday and a huge chunk of today to prepare the template for us to move in. The most time consuming aspect was the blogrolls, they took forever. I got them from here and I figured out the colors using this.
The template was written in a simple and uncomplicated way, very easy to find things and then change them. I didn’t make extensive changes, just colors and images but that can take sooooo long.
She had many other template styles, so go check her out. I want to see all of the Blogger Templates banished from the face of the Internet.

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