Kathleen’s friend asks her to help her with a paper on why they shouldn’t dissect animals:

#2: “They have programs for computers for these kind of things, where you use the mouse as tool and you can do dissections on the computer without killing anything”
#3: “I get what you’re saying, but I’d have to say the same. I mean you breed these pigs just to kill them and dissect them. Don’t you think that’s kinda sick? Plus high school students don’t take it seriously, they goof around. I say that dissections should be optional.”
me: “Computers don’t give you the experience. The ability to see the heart, lungs, stomach, how the body works. If you make it optional nobody’s gonna do it. They won’t even try! What if someone thinks they’re not gonna like it, but try dissecting and learn to love it; become doctors and such. It’s like a test for people too, they dissect to gain experience for even bigger dissections, like humans. Would you seriously let a doctor operate surgery on you if they had no experience?”
#2: “It’s still wrong”
me: “You do eat meat right?”
#2: “That’s different”
me: “How so?”
#2: “It just is”

What’s bad about this is that this the level of debate that you get with adults as well.
Go read the rest here.

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