I just read this great post over at Michael Yon’s Frontline Forum by Sargent Tim Boggs.
Do yourself a favor, read this guy’s post.
Currently Sargent Bogg’s is serving a second voluntary tour in Iraq and he tells us what it’s like in the town of Qayyarah (don’t ask me how to pronounce it).
He gives us a view from the front lines and compares how things were under Saddam’s oppression and how it is now. Sure, things aren’t perfect but…
Most importantly there is hope for the future. People know that it is up to them to determine their future and they realize that they have a golden opportunity to make a positive change for their country. I have spent a good amount of time with Qayyarah residents, and I am quite certain that if America only knew more stories of towns like theirs, the picture that many people across the world have of Iraq right now would change. The smaller changes in Iraq like those that have taken place in Qayyarah are not always deemed “newsworthy” by the media but are of immense importance.
Go and check out t.f. bogg’s blog for a truthful perspective on the War.
(HT Michael Yon)