Reading things like this makes me want to buy a couple copies of the book and send it to them with the receipt so they know that I bought it in NJ, in fact maybe I should drive over to the Borders in East Brunswick and make them order me a couple copies (Did you really think they would have it on the shelf?):
Two New Jersey Democrats are pushing to have Ann Coulter’s new book banned from all bookstores in their state because she criticized four 9/11 widows known as “the Jersey Girls.”
In a joint press release issued Friday, New Jersey Assemblywomen Joan Quigley and Linda Stender say they want New Jersey retailers to “ban the sale of [Coulter’s] book throughout the state.”
“No one in New Jersey should buy this book and allow Ann Coulter to profit from her hate-mongering. We are asking New Jersey retailers statewide to stand with us and express their outrage by refusing to carry or sell copies of Coulter’s book. Her hate-filled attacks on our 9-11 widows has no place on New Jersey bookshelves.”
And this is funny, we hit the Hitler reference kind of quickly, Imus compares Coulter to Hitler:
MATLIN: What do you think about her point? Her point that you can’?t — you know Cindy Sheehan — if you throw yourself in the political arena, then you should be able to address political issues, and people should be able to speak back to you.
MATLIN: What do you think about her point? Her point that you can’?t — you know Cindy Sheehan — if you throw yourself in the political arena, then you should be able to address political issues, and people should be able to speak back to you.
IMUS: I agree with her point.
MATLIN: Well, then that’s what I agree with.
IMUS: But i think it’s repugnant and repulsive and gutless to, and cheap and cheesey to call these women all these names. I mean, whether it’s right or not, it’s just something there’s just. You don’t go there.
MATLIN: That’?s her stock and trade.
IMUS: But i’m surprised that you won’t condemn her for these repugnant remarks.
MATLIN: I don’?t know her. I haven’t read the book.
IMUS: You don’t have to know her. You know what Hitler did. Did you you him? You condemn what he did.
MATLIN: Are you comparing her to Hitler?
IMUS: No, I’?m not. Of course not.
MATLIN: This is the point. This is complete the point she’?s making. These lefty crazy people go around calling us [unintelligible] and Hitlers and Nazis and everything and nobody say anything. She calls somebody a harpy and you’?d think that the whole world was on fire.
I agree with Coulter’s point as well. The left trot out their victim and it would be heartless to be against their cause because they have a widow or an orphan as their spokesperson. You can’t argue with their pain.
(Links via The Divas and Kos — I’ll let you guess which one — hehe)