I know that this is old news but I have to say something about this:
Since 1992 they have been transparently envious of the Newt Gingrich-inspired “Contract with America,” which, by stressing a rollback of government, vaulted the Republicans into control of Capitol Hill.
Consequently, for months we’ve been hearing about the apparently aimless efforts of Reid, Pelosi & Co. to cobble together their own version of a contract with voters. This past week a draft, curiously called “6 for ’06,” finally seeped into the blogosphere:
1. A minimum wage increase.
2. Repealing the portion of the Medicare prescription drug law that prevents Medicare from negotiating for lower drug prices.
3. Implementing all of the 9-11 commission’s homeland security recommendations.
4. Reinstating pay-as-you-go budget rules.
5. Making college more affordable.
6. A sixth plank that has not yet been settled on.
Since I’m in a hurry this morning, my abbreviated rant: Nothing on the war? Minimum wage is number one? This is the most pressing need of the country when we are at war? Pay-as-you-go is just another was of saying, tax and spend. Affordable college, how do you do that? Force the professors to take a pay cut? You can’t come up with a 6th item? What about a promise to pull the troops out of Iraq? (Which they could do if they promised to defund the war, do you think they would campaign on that promise?)
I don’t think that there is much on this list that would compel the public to vote for them. It will be interesting to see if they rethink this list and it will look different.
*You may not remember this but this is how they referred to the Republican’s Contract with America