You Are 76% New Jersey!

You are definitely Jersey. Well done, my friend. You are most likely from this great state, and you fit right in. Odds are, you love being Jersey!
How New Jersey Are You?

Well, as you can see from the results, I’m the real deal. NJ might not be the prettiest state in the union or filled with the best drivers in the world or smell the sweetest and we have some of the worst politicians in the country but I like it here and wouldn’t want to live anyplace else! I would miss bagels and cream cheese, the thousands of Dunkin Donuts, the huge grocery store that is five minutes from my house, five malls within driving distance, a Home Depot and another grocery store within 10 minutes of my house, easy access to NY city and Philadelphia, the Jersey shore, and the many other things that make New Jersey the best place to live if you’ve got the money to live here :-).
(Link via Teresa’s 2¢ Worth Blog)

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