I was over at Oh, the Joys which is a funny Mommy blog and I noticed that she had a beautiful picture of my favorite kind of Ben and Jerry ice cream and I wanted some so badly, oh I was sooo going to buy that when I went to the store today. But then, I got a request to join the Blogging Chicks blogroll and when I went to check out the blog I saw she had this awful post, Top Ten Foods You Should Never Eat and though the ice cream wasn’t on the list, I knew it would be up there with the rest of the items on the list. She bummed me out for the rest of the day.
And my daughters were bummed when I told them that the Frappuccino they always ask me for and I very rarely let them have (it’s like five bucks or something, are you kidding me?) – except for when we went to DC and there was a Starbucks on every corner – was 770 calories! Samantha said, “I would never drink one of those again in a hundred years. At least I didn’t drink the whole thing.” (Rationalizing at ten, what a proud moment for a Momma.)