AlanDP or Ron of Blogonomicon has published (this is a link, Glenn):

What really happened to the Anasazi people? Was Jack the Ripper someone’s second choice? What was the famous Ranger tracking in Gypsy’s Gulch? These and other questions are answered in Hell’s Hangmen: Horror in the Old West as twenty-two of today’s most talented writers bring you fantastical tales with a Western Flavor. Thrill to those eerie days of yesteryear as tales are spun by Steven Shrewsbury, Lee Clark Zumpe, Lawrence Barker, John Sunseri, Pasquale Morrone, Jacob Bayne, William Jones, JW Schnarr, John Hubbard, Gene Stewart, Ron Shiflet, R.M. Ridley, Kris Ashton, Hana K. Lee, Rob Rosen, Robert J. Santa, Charles Black, Alan D. Peschke, Jason Andrew, Joe McKinney, Joshua Reynolds, and Matthew Baugh.

Updated to add: OK, 1:00 in the morning is no time to publish. I thought Ron was Alan’s pseudonym. I didn’t see the list of authors — what a dummy!

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