And we have an “obsession” with it too:

“It’s a little strange, this obsession of the flag,” French author Bernard-Henri Levy wrote after traveling across the country.

“Everywhere, in every form, flapping in the wind or on stickers, an epidemic of flags that has spread throughout the city,” Levy wrote in “American Vertigo” of the riot of banners he saw.

Yes, and the French have no national pride. Yeah, I buy that.
But that’s just a side issue, the most important line of the article:

Patriotic flag-waving strengthened in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and increased even more with the beginning of the war in Iraq as a testament of support for President George W. Bush.

So, Americans waved their flag in support of the war and the President and now we are at epidemic proportions, does that mean that Bush might still have support for the war despite what the polls say?
Read the rest of the article here.
(Link via Drudge Report)

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