I’m having a hard time with this topic. My dream job is to write Bible studies and have them published and my dream vacation is Australia. My dream car is a Lexus and my dream house is a log cabin (I even know that the blue print would look like). Now, what more can I say? That’s it. So, thank you for visiting, good day.
After I realized that I didn’t have too much to say about these topics and since I can’t remember any of my dreams, I thought about what I do dream about and there is one thing. I think about it quite a lot. I wonder about it and mull it over in my head and contemplate the Scriptures that reference it. I dream about eternity.
I dream about a time when you and I will no longer be separate because of our sin, that we can experience true fellowship the way man was meant to experience it before the fall. That we all can truly be one in the body of Christ and that all who know and love Christ, will be united in worship of Him and in service to Him. A day when there is no war when all of us can live in harmony under the sovereign rein of Christ.
I dream of a day when I will no longer experience pain and ailments, when my mind and body will be free of the sins of this world. When there will be no more crying and when all our tears will be wiped away. A day when death is destroyed forever and there will be no pain and sorrow. A day when I will became like Christ and will finally see this new person that I’ve become.
I dream of a day when I will see Jesus coming down from heaven to redeem His people and He will shine like the sun and we will behold his glory. A day when I will hear the sound of the trumpet and know that He has returned, it is a sound that I am looking forward to hearing.
I dream of the day that Jesus’ vindication is seen by the entire world. A day when all the scoffers will be silenced, a day when His name will be exalted and at His name every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. A day when the Lord’s enemies will be made His footstool; a day when the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.
I dream of a day when I will sing the praises of the Lord forever and in unison with the people of God. Oh what a day that will be!

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