Go check out the pictures of Hezbollah fighting in civilian clothes in civilian neighborhoods. This is why the death toll among civilians is so high and how it’s impossible for Israel to know who they are fighting and to reach the enemy without killing the innocent.
THIS is the picture that damns Hezbollah. It is one of several, smuggled from behind Lebanon’s battle lines, showing that Hezbollah is waging war amid suburbia.
The images, obtained exclusively by the Sunday Herald Sun, show Hezbollah using high-density residential areas as launch pads for rockets and heavy-calibre weapons.
Dressed in civilian clothing so they can quickly disappear, the militants carrying automatic assault rifles and ride in on trucks mounted with cannon.
The photographs, from the Christian area of Wadi Chahrour in the east of Beirut, were taken by a visiting journalist and smuggled out by a friend.
The images include one of a group of men and youths preparing to fire an anti-aircraft gun metres from an apartment block with sheets hanging out on a balcony to dry.
“Hezbollah came in to launch their rockets, then within minutes the area was blasted by Israeli jets,” he said.
“Until the Hezbollah fighters arrived, it had not been touched by the Israelis. Then it was totally devastated.
“It was carnage. Two innocent people died in that incident, but it was so lucky it was not more.”
It’s no surprise that mass murders could care less about innocent men, women and children who are not involved in this war at all. Why should we expect anything more from them?
(Link via Instapundit)