I really like having the Cluster Maps. I like seeing where everyone is coming from and I like to see when little dots grow into bigger dots. People from the Middle East are reading Reformed Chicks Blabbing (I think they might be military). When I first got it, I didn’t have to do anything but create an account and install the code. Now, since Reformed Chicks has hit 10,000, it can’t do it’s job anymore and I have to do something and I’m not sure what it is. They don’t want to update the site daily because at 10,000 blah, blah, blah (anyway that’s what I think it said :-). I thought they were telling me that it would update weekly but it hasn’t updated since June 22. So now I have to figure out what the heck I’m supposed to do to make it update again. All I want to do is blog, not mess with sidebar bling.

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