Why give your profits to a nation that has so much wealth? Even our poor are better off than many around the world. Why not take care of your own:

Republican George Pataki, a potential 2008 presidential candidate, said he has had more than enough with the Venezuelan leader bad mouthing the American commander-in-chief.
“This person has no right coming to our country to criticize our president. He can take his cheap oil and do something for the poor people of Venezuela,” said Pataki during an interview with Fox News.
Despite Chevez’s pledge to help the poor using his nation’s vast oil wealth, Venezuela still suffers from chronic poverty, crime, kidnappings, and unemployment. The latter has been rated as high as 12 percent in a nation of 25 million people.
According to a report from the United Nations, Venezuela ranks first in the world in gun deaths per capita, and reports indicate homicides in Venezuela have doubled since 1999.

BTW, he’s also boycotting Citgo, which is owned by Venezuela. Everyone is talking about boycotting Citgo to punish Chavez, there’s even a blogroll. I say, what took you so long? I stopped buying Citgo when I found out it was owned by Venezuela, no way was I going to buy gas from a dictator who steals private property.
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