I think I’m on overload with the Bush bashing, they are wearing me down. I don’t even want to post anything because Drudge and the Washington Post are filled with stories of people bashing Bush, I’m even tired of ridiculing them for their hypocrisy (my favorite pastime :-).
I was listening to Hewitt last night and the pundits were talking about how Woodward’s book is going to be bad for the election and I thought that they had been in Washington too long. It’s going to do squat! Have you gone into a Barnes and Noble lately? Have you seen the amount of books bashing the president and the war in Iraq? My daughters and I laugh when we read the titles. It’s just one of many. Who cares?
We are at war, our enemies mouth the criticisms of the Bushes critics, we are one election away from having this war defunded just like they did in Vietnam. This will have huge consequences. Nations like China and Russia will sense our weakness and will act against us. You don’t think so? Look around you because they are getting ready. If we leave Iraq before they are ready, we will not be loved by the world, we will be the laughingstock of the world. The world doesn’t hate use because we invaded Iraq, the world hates us because we are a superpower. They are waiting for us the demonstrate our weakness so they can move in for the kill.
Democrats, and I include the media in this, keep it up because you may get the thing that you want the most, a dictator.
Updated to add: So, I say I’m tired of the Bush bashing and a kind commenter leaves me a link to a cartoon bashing Bush. Chrissie, if you think that Bush doesn’t care about the people that have been killed in this war, then you really don’t know the man. He isn’t the monster that you guys have made him out to be.
Oh, and ha ha, I’m so amused by your subtle wit, how drool to link to a colon and recital exam page. I’m thinking you’re a 14-year-old boy, right? You’re level of humor really gives you away.
It kind of proves my point, these people have nothing. They are so filled with hate that their target is a caricature. Why bother? No one is listening because it doesn’t have a basis in reality. It’s all blah, blah, blah and whaa-whaa-whaa to me.
Updated again to say: I’m in a bad mood and if you call me a name, I will delete your comment. I’m also tired of those who are ignorant, coming here and calling me names because they have no idea what they’re talking about. If you doubt that China is a danger, then maybe you should expand your reading list beyond blame Bush books and Daily Kos. Maybe you will find this helpful.