I do not want to jump to conclusions about her motive to adopt this one-year old boy, but if :

Madonna has spent most of the past week visiting orphanages and meeting government officials and charity workers as part of a campaign to highlight the plight of some 900,000 orphans in this impoverished nation of 13 million people, where AIDS has destroyed many families.

Why has she adopted a little boy who already has a father, and not one of the 900,000 orphans? I thought that an orphan is parentless, but in her case she has the approval of his father:

The boy’s father said he was happy for his son, named David, and pleased with the celebrity couple who want to be his parents.

Why not support and strengthen this man to be a father to his own son? Wouldn’t that serve a greater purpose?
Maybe I’m making too much out of it, but if there are 900,000 parent-less children in this impoverished country why not adopt one of them?

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