Clinton is pretty smart. Say you’ll work with the Republicans on implementing your liberal agenda and when they try to stop it they’ll look like obstructionists:

Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday outlined an ambitious agenda of legislative priorities while continuing to deflect questions about her presumed presidential ambitions.
“I will look at the possibilities, but I … haven’t really had the time to talk to people about it,” Clinton told a breakfast gathering hosted by the Association for a Better New York. “It’s been a busy election season that worked out well, so I will think about it. I’m open to thoughts.”
Clinton was returning to Washington on Monday to participate in a lame-duck session of Congress in which lawmakers will tackle several pieces of unfinished business before ceding control of both the Senate and House to Democrats early next year.
But the New York senator was clearly looking ahead to the next Congress, which she, like other Democrats, has vowed will operate on a more bipartisan basis than it had under Republican control.
“We are ready to roll up our sleeves and work with our Republican counterparts. Our country works best when we govern from the vital, dynamic center,” she said.
“Health care is coming back,” Clinton warned, adding, “It may be a bad dream for some.”

Listen woman and get a clue, we.don’ care!!! This isn’t Canada, Babe! If you want people to have health care, then give companies incentives to offer it, it would be much cheaper in the long run and the quality of our health care won’t be degraded.
I know that it may be too much to ask but I hope that the Republicans have grown a backbone after this election. But I would be pretty shocked if the Republicans work with the Democrats especially after how they have been treated by the Democrats over the years. They better give it back to them or face the wrath of the voters in ’08 (and we better do it in the primary this time and not the general election).

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