Well, that’s what you got:

Exultant Chuck Says He’ll Veto the Next Alito
Judges are the most important,” said Mr. Schumer, who orchestrated the implausible Democratic takeover of the Senate last week. “One more justice would have made it a 5-4 conservative, hard-right majority for a long time. That won’t happen.”
From now on, all the President’s judicial appointments will need to meet the requirements of Mr. Schumer, the Park Slope power broker who has happily accepted the mantle of chief architect for the Democrats’ effort to build a majority for the 2008 elections and beyond.

Nowhere in the constitution does it say that a Senator has the right to “veto” judges. It’s not a right given to them but I guess it’s now their right because no one has done anything to stop them. And I didn’t know that Schumer was going to be the head of judiciary, did anyone tell Leahy?
Plus as an added bonus he plans to run the Iraq war:

On the subject of Iraq, Mr. Schumer has essentially taken a pass until now. He has argued that an opposition party’s responsibility-at least in an election season, and in an area that has proven so politically troublesome to the Bush administration-is to critique foreign policy and not set it.
Now, Mr. Schumer said, he hopes that a controversial plan strongly advocated by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware-which essentially calls for the dissolution of Iraq into three autonomous ethnic enclaves (and which Mr. Schumer quietly supported last year)-will emerge as a concrete Democratic alternative to current administration policy.
“It may actually move into play,” said Mr. Schumer. “I’ve always believed that the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds hate each other more than they will ever love any central government.”
Outside of Iraq, Mr. Schumer echoed his colleagues’ calls for more multilateralism and said the climate of greater comity would help in North Korea-“We are totally dependent on the Chinese,” he said-and in the Middle East.
“I really dislike the Syrians,” Mr. Schumer said. “That’s the problem here. But it probably ends up being better to talk to them than not.”
Mr. Schumer wanted to make clear that these will not be mere suggestions to be considered or discarded by the White House as the administration sees fit.
“Bush will be a lame duck unless he has a dramatic change of course-unless the Rasputin-like influence of Cheney goes. You could see Cheney, just by his body language, is just angry,” said Mr. Schumer. “If Bush doesn’t budge, he will be a lame duck.”

Did anyone tell Pelosi and Murtha because I thought they were running it.
Bush better find his resolve and his backbone again or he’s about to be rolled by the Senate and the House.
BTW, get used to seeing Schumer all over the place because this guy loves the spotlight, he is worse than Clinton. Maybe it might motivate the base to vote in two years.
(Link via Drudge Report)
Updated: Rush just reminded me that I need to thank McCain, DeWine, Chafee and the rest of the gang of 14 for Schumer’s over the top and megalomaniac behavior. If they had allowed the vote on the constitutional option, Schumer wouldn’t be this full of himself (he would be full of himself but not to this level).

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