Mike Jones admits outing Ted Haggard to influence voters:
Jones said he had thought about revealing his alleged affair with Haggard months ago but was advised by his attorney that he needed to gather more evidence. He said he decided to come out with his story before the election to influence voters.
“There are two important initiatives,” he said, referring to a measure that would grant same-sex couples legal protections afforded to married couples, and another that would define marriage in Colorado as a union between a man and a woman.
“Friends have suffered because of our laws. I felt obligated to get the information out about the hypocrisy of people who make these laws and those who support them.
“It may not change the way people vote, but I feel I did what I had to do. I needed to expose what was happening. You can’t say one thing and do another. There are consequences to our actions.”
OK, so you’re about to vote next week because you’re concerned that the definition of marriage will be changed. Throughout the history of man, marriage has been defined as between a man and a woman and you want it to stay that way. But then suddenly you hear that a minster, who was for the same thing as you, has slept with another man. Oh, no! Now, you can’t vote for the traditional definition of marriage because one of the supporters turns out to be a hypocrite.
Does this scenario sound plausible to you?
Why would someone who supported a traditional view of marriage be swayed because someone else who was for it has supposedly had gay sex? Why would it effect how a Christian or anyone else would vote? Christians are not the lemmings that society thinks we are. We think for ourselves and if someone turns out to be a hypocrite, we understand because it’s human nature to be a hypocrite.
(Link via Drudge Report)
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