I don’t think I can take two years of this:

Better pack up your furniture, Mr. Cheney, because Charlie Rangel plans to kick you out.
The outspoken Harlem congressman, who will become the next chairman of the powerful Ways & Means Committee in January thanks to the Democrats’ victory Tuesday, says he wants the storied suite of offices in the House of Representatives currently occupied by Vice President Dick Cheney’s staff.
“Mr. Cheney enjoys an office on the second floor of the House of Representatives that [has] historically been designated for the Ways & Means Committee chairman,” Rangel said Wednesday at his uptown office. “I talked with Nancy Pelosi this morning and I’m trying to find some way, kind and gentle [like doing it in a news article], to restore the dignity of that office to the chair.”
After 12 years of being politically powerless in national affairs, Rangel, a Democrat, will set national tax policy as chairman of the Ways & Means Committee when the Democrats officially take power in January and Pelosi becomes the first female speaker of the house.
Cheney aside, Rangel pledged bipartisanship. He offered an olive branch to President Bush and promised not to immediately repeal the president’s tax cuts, which expire in 2010.
He further said there was nothing to rumors that he would work to end funding for the ongoing war in Iraq — a war he vehemently opposes. “Let me make it clear,” he said. “No member of Congress is prepared to cut funds that would put our brave men and women in jeopardy.”
Still, Rangel couldn’t end his press conference without one last dig at Cheney. When asked if he would support impeachment of Bush, Rangel quipped: “I’m the president’s best friend in preventing impeachment. I know Dick Cheney.”

Pretty rude but that’s what you get from Democrats. I guess the Republicans are being punished for their arrogance by being forced into submission by their Democratic overlords. Republicans, enjoy your time in the woodshed, maybe it will give you some much needed backbone.
And BTW, Rangel, with you in the office, it won’t have any dignity. You made that clear by your own words.

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