You can tell that the election is over because the floodgates of information have sprung open, I can’t keep up with it all and it’s distracting me from researching Hagar in the wilderness (Genesis 16). But I couldn’t resist this story, since I was shocked that we weren’t going it alone in Iraq. Who knew we had allies?

Many analysts believe that Rumsfeld’s departure clears the way for a phased withdrawal of troops from Iraq. But ministers and world leaders have warned in recent days about the long-term result of abandoning the country.

Jordan’s King Abdullah said Iraq could end up as another generations-long conflict in the Middle East.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard said he would tell Bush “it would be against everybody’s interest, except the terrorists, for the coalition to leave in circumstances of defeat.”

And commentators in Poland, one of Bush’s closest allies on Iraq, did not anticipate a major shift after the U.S. vote.

Mainstream parties on the right and left in the biggest ex-communist EU member backed the war in Iraq and continue to see the United States as a key ally.

Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said his country would keep its troops in Iraq for the time being.

“Danish foreign and security policies are decided in the Danish parliament and not in the United States,” he told reporters, playing down the impact of the vote.


Sir Christopher Meyer, former British Ambassador to Washington, said Britain’s views must be “taken into full account as things start to change in Washington.”

“I think it would be a recipe for even greater mayhem if we go careering off in one direction and the U.S. in another. The answer to that is proper consultation between the two big allies,” he told BBC radio.

This is all ridiculous, now Bush is going to be criticized for rethinking our policy in Iraq? I thought we were going it alone and that we were the invaders of a country. The story keeps changing and it’s confusing me.
Is this the start of the MSMs attempt to make sure we stay in Iraq because secretly they understand what the anti-war left don’t, that we can’t leave Iraq or it will became a terrorist haven where there is plenty of oil reserves to fund a global war against the West.
What I’m really surprised about in this article is the fact that Bush didn’t talk to our allies. Why didn’t he call them and let them know that our policy would not change substantially from what we have currently. It makes me nervous.

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