When I heard that Bush was going to give a press conference today, I thought about what I would do if I were him and the first thought I had was, “OK, you don’t want me to fight this war, fine. How about I give you exactly what you want. You want Rumsfeld gone? Fine! Whatever the Democrats want they’ll get. I hope you choke on it.”
But then I thought, “No, Bush is a better leader than that.” Evidently, I was wrong. I guess he can now freely embrace his inner Democrat.
Here’s my prediction: now that Rumsfeld is gone and Bush is acting like a trained poodle subdued and the Iraqi government sees that they only have a short window to get their act together before we start removing our troops and the press no longer has to hide the good news from Iraq, and now that the Democrats can take credit for it, then everything will be great in Iraq.
Now for something that made me feel a little better about my New Jerseyans these are the counties that went for Kean:
Cape May County
Hunterdon County
Monmouth County
Morris County
Ocean County
Salem County
Somerset County
Sussex County
Warren County
Just to let you know there are still some people in NJ who don’t want a Senator who is under federal criminal investigation and we will elect someone who supports Bush and the war in Iraq.

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