According to Claudia Rosett, Bolton won’t be able to collect a pay check if Bush has to appoint during the recess:

If Congress is absolutely determined to reject the best UN ambassador the world has seen in about a quarter of a century – John Bolton – then the only alternative if President Bush wants to keep him is another recess appointment. For that, Bolton would have to work without pay. It’s enough to make a person want to suggest that if you really care about trying to do some good in the world via the UN, stop sending your kids out to collect for UNICEF, and start sending them out to collect donations to keep John Bolton in office. Bolton, from everything I have seen, is far more honest and competent on every level than UNICEF, any of the other UN agencies, or most of the senior staff walking the halls of the UN, let alone many of the UN ambassadors whose limos cruise the streets of New York.

I say let’s do it! Let’s pay his salary and show him and the world our support for his work and stick it to the Democrats and Lincoln Chafee at the same time. Seems like it would be the best money we spent this year (especially if you contributed to the DeWine, Burns or Allen campaigns)

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