Please live up to your reputation:

A person to watch will be incoming minority leader Mitch McConnell, one of the Senate’s canniest operators. After wrangling with McConnell for years over campaign-finance reform, Senator John McCain declared, “There are few things more daunting in politics than the determined opposition of Senator McConnell.” President Bush does not want to spend his last two years in office vetoing one Democratic measure after another. So McConnell will play a position much like the goalie in a hockey game, blocking legislation from ever reaching Bush’s desk.

I so want the Republicans to block every piece of legislation that goes against Republican principles (yes, I know that this is a dream that will never happen because the Republican Senators have forgotten what Republican principles are), just as the Democrats have done. I want payback to be a bleep!
You know what would be smart, if the Republicans kept their mouth shut (yea, even you McCain) and would let the Democrats promise all the things that they are going to do and then slam them with all kinds of filibusters the Senate begins in January. And when the Republicans are asked by the MSM why they are filibustering a bill they can say, “Oh, I thought that’s what the opposition party did when they are out of power. It’s what the Democrats did, we are only following their lead. If you have a problem with filibusters, why didn’t you say anything when they filibuster Bush’s judges? We didn’t hear any outrage from the press so we figured you approved.” Everyone should say that on every show that they go on. I can only dream.

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