I went to the Barnes and Nobel to study for my test. I’m starting to panic so your prayers would be appreciated. Thanks to those who stopped by to congratulate us on being a finalist. We would greatly appreciate your votes. We have absolutely no chance of winning but I really would be embarrassed by 0% of the vote. And a special congratulations to Being Five, Lisa, Shannon, Life Cruiser, JenLo and of course Scott Ott! Please vote for them as well (though, Shannon and Lisa are competitors).
BTW, if you are new to the blog, please scroll down and see that I blog a lot more than this. I usually post about four times a day, but I have a final this week and a final next week (I know, bad timing 🙂 so I haven’t been posting as much. So this is not indicative of the quality of our blog. And yes, there are others contributing to the blog so that was not the use of the royal “we.”
In other news, I have no intention on commenting on the Iraq Study Group report because I think its ridiculous to try to reason with people you know are waiting for an opportunity to take you down. I’ve said it over and over again and I think I’m done 🙂 And what’s amazing is that the Study Group knows that it won’t work.
But I think that this sums it up:

One reporter got it exactly right in his question: “[T]ell me, why should the president give more weight to what you all have said given, as I understand, you went to Iraq once, with the exception of Senator Robb. None of you made it out of the Green Zone. Why should he give your recommendations any more weight than what he’s hearing from his commanders on the ground in Iraq?”

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