I thought McConnell said that he would. This man is probably getting thousands of calls to filibuster and yet he isn’t going to do it which tells me he doesn’t have the votes. What a sorry state the party is in. We’ve always known that the Republican senators have no backbone and now, when we need them the most they wimp out.

McConnell said Republican leaders would not seek to block a vote on Biden’s nonbinding resolution with a filibuster. But he called a proposed resolution that focuses on benchmarks “the best way to go.”

I guess it will be helpful to see who we will not be voting for in the future. If you can’t stand with the president in time of war, then you don’t deserve to be in office. Maybe it’s time to clean out the House and the Senate during primary season.
And then there’s this:

Sen. Joseph Biden, the Democratic chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said senators’ widespread opposition to a troop buildup will become evident when they begin debating the measure this week.
“I will make you a bet, you will not find 20 percent of the Senate standing up and saying the president is headed in the right direction,” said Biden, D-Del.

If that is the case, then why in the heck did these people vote to confirm the author of the plan? The Senate if filled with political cowards, they should have voted down General Petraeus and sent a message to the president that way instead of a meaningless resolution. But they don’t have the political will or backbone to really do something.

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