Check out this interview in Time Magazine with Albert Mohler. He recently had a brush with death, here is an excerpt from the article:

How would a Calvinist have viewed your successful recovery versus a non-Calvinist?
Some non-Calvinists might say, I’m glad he survived, but I’m so sorry this accident happened to him. A Calvinist would say “God had something for him to learn through this that will be important for his formation for eternity.”
And you’ve learned…
A lot of things. I’ve blogged about it…I want people to know this is not the experience of Al the Calvinist, but Al the Christian. I wasn’t reciting Calvinist principles to myself in the hospital bed, but I was very much trusting in the sovereign God any Christian can know and trust.

Here is a Christian (Calvinist) worldview in action. You should also read his blog entry on Lessons Learned in a crisis of Life because this short interview only scratches the surface. Here is a peek:

What lessons come through this experience?
1. The assurance of God’s sovereignty and providential love. I knew these things to be true, of course. The Scripture clearly reveals the true and living God to be, not only “Maker of heaven and earth,” but the divine ruler over all. God’s providence, rule, and care extend to every atom and molecule that exists — or ever has or will exist. Nothing is outside His control, and His sovereign control is perfectly consistent with His character.
There never was a moment when my life was not, or is not, in His hands. What happened to me was not a freak medical accident, but something God intended as good for me. I was safe, though I was admittedly scared.

The whole thing is well worth reading. Great Christian perspective on death.

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