More bloodshed and an escalation in the level of violence in Thailand: At least 28 bombs exploded Sunday in apparently coordinated attacks in parts of southern Thailand plagued by a Muslim insurgency, killing three people and wounding more than 50, the military said. The bombings targeted hotels, karaoke bars, power grids and commercial sites in…

How are they going to get enough votes to pass something that would limit Bush’s power to fight this war. This won’t even make Bush’s veto pen: Senate Democrats pledged renewed efforts Sunday to curtail the Iraq war, suggesting they will seek to limit a 2002 measure authorizing President Bush’s use of force against Saddam…

Reid agreed that it was even worse than Vietnam: After months of heated rhetoric slamming President Bush’s Iraq policy, the Senate’s top Democrat moved into new terrain by declaring the Iraq war a worse blunder than Vietnam. “This war is a serious situation. It involves the worst foreign policy mistake in the history of this…

So, what do you think of the new look? I thought I would go with a more cerebral feel. I didn’t want to go back to winter but it’s too early for spring. I figured this was a good intermediary look 🙂 Thank the Lord for laptops or I would not be able to do…

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