So, now that the Draft Fred Thompson Campaign has been noticed, the criticisms have started. There’s this

Well, for one thing, Mr. Thompson’s ABC News contract probably prohibits him from saying anything in public about ongoing political campaigns. Also, while Thompson is conservative and has a record to back it up, he’s not and never has been a member of the conservative intellectual elite. He’s about as right-leaning as the old Mitt Romney + Mike Huckabee divided by two.
Most importantly, Sen. John McCain is one of Thompson’s best friends. They talk regularly. A source close to Thompson said that Thompson will not run for president, period.

And this:

Please. I realize I don’t qualify as your run of the mill firebrand these days but since when is Fred Thomspon a conservative ideologue?
Sure, he played the game. He’s got the deep booming voice, the country affectations and the pickup truck but that truck makes him about as conservative as that plaid shirt makes Lamar. Fred Thompson is a Howard Baker Republican.
Nothing wrong with this, nothing wrong at all. But let’s not fool ourselves. Thompson may be more conservative than Guilani but he’s about the same as McCain, probably Romney as well. Fred Thompson was not always a actor or senator. He was a high powered Washington lawyer, an insider.

I’m not naive enough to think that Thompson is another Reagan, there will never be another Reagan, he was unique and brilliant and understood the mind of the Democrat because he had been one. He can’t be replicated and I know that. But why can’t we have a candidate who is articulate and conservative? Someone that we don’t have to hold our nose to vote for, like McCain (we rejected him in 2000 for a reason and he’s confirmed that reason ever since) or someone who’s position has evolved (like Romney). Someone whose articulate and has a good, solid conservative voting record. He’s well known (unlike Duncan Hunter) and likable and he doesn’t come with a lot of baggage (like Gingrich). And he supports the war in Iraq (unlike Brownback).
And then there’s this:

For those wanting Fred Thompson, Condoleeza Rice, Newt Gingrich, or anyone else not yet running to be drafted, PLEASE get a grip. If they wanted to be in this race they would be. So rather than try to force those who seemingly aren’t that interested in running, why not focus on those who are actually in the race.
There are THREE top-tier Republicans right now: Rudy Guiliani, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. Sorry, but those are the three. By the way, Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo have ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE of winning the nomination let alone the presidency. Get over it.

Why not? Because it’s still an open race! It’s a year away from the primaries and despite what Hewitt and others have said, anyone with money and name recognition can still enter. If Romney, Guiliani and McCain are the three, then they’ll be the three next year and if Thompson doesn’t enter the race, I’ll pick one of them (eenie meenie minie moe)but for now, I’m saying, “Run, Thompson, run!”

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