I thought everyone was wild for him. He was a “rock star,” “The Goracle,” “superhero” and the “coolest guy” at the Oscars. Some even saw his new popularity as a chance for him to launch a second attempt at the White House but alas, it doesn’t seem to have translated into support for a presidential…

Or at least that’s the picture being painted of him in the press: Children of political candidates have long played a part in the lead-up to elections – but usually, they’re smiling and waving on the campaign trial, not speaking poorly of their parents to the press. It seems Andrew Giuliani missed the memo on…

Pretty quickly, too: Of the major Republican candidates, only Mr. McCain did not attend [CPAC], but he denounced her remarks on Saturday morning. “The comments were wildly inappropriate,” said his spokesman, Brian Jones. Mr. Giuliani said, “The comments were completely inappropriate and there should be no place for such name-calling in political debate.” Kevin Madden,…

I had published this here by accident, I meant to publish it on my other blog, Life Under the Sun. But I noticed that it remained in our RSS feed and people had attempted to access it. Sorry about that! I’m republishing it for their benefit.When I saw this video, I felt overwhelmed by the…

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