They burn a soldier in effigy while chanting “Bye, Bye, GI! In Iraq you’re going to die.” Video here. Yes, it’s obvious they support the troops. And a guy defecates on the flag in front of women and children to the approval of the crowd: This splinter group of protesters showed its support for “peace”…

Thompson’s wife is urging him to run: Close friends of Fred Thompson say his wife Jeri is urging him to take the plunge later this year and run for the Republican presidential nomination. The former senator from Tennessee and current actor on “Law & Order,” in private conversation, makes it clear that he is seriously…

The creator of the anti-Clinton ad lived with Obama’s press secretary: The press secretary for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., recently lived with the creator of the scathingly satirical YouTube video ad that attacked Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., a revelation that seems to undermine the senator’s claim that he and his campaign had only “very attenuated”…

Pelosi has shoved her party off the cliff (in some cases using pork to lure them off) and now the question is: what will Reid do? Does he double down? Or does he pass something that approaches what the president wants? Or does he offer a timetable knowing that it won’t pass but will placate…

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