Anna Venger tagged me many weeks ago and I’ve finally come up with 8 random facts about me that I haven’t blogged about yet (it took me a really long time to think of something of interest, I live a very boring life):
1. I met my husband in a bar (in my defense I went there to dance).
2 I became a Christian soon after the birth of my first daughter because I knew that she was a gift from God and he wanted me to raise her in the church.
3. I have a bachelors in Computer Science.
4. I worked in the defense field until I left work to be a full time stay-at-home mom.
5. I have no memory of most of my childhood (just vague memories of random events).
6. I hate music from the 50’s and country music (my father tortured me as a child by making us listen to country music).
7. I sometimes like to listen to rap music.
8. I hate to cook and so I jumped on the chance to let Sarah (my 15 year-old) cook two days a week.

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