I thought these Democrats were going to try to improve our image abroad but how does ticking off our ally do that? How is this image different from the protest photos over the last 6 years?

Pakistan criticised the Democratic 2008 election hopeful, Barack Obama, today over his warning that as president he might order military strikes against al-Qaida targets in the country’s border areas.
Khusheed Kasuri, Pakistan’s foreign minister, said: “It’s a very irresponsible statement, that’s all I can say. As the election campaign in America is heating up, we would not like American candidates to fight theiir elections and contest elections at our expense.” It is unusual for foreign countries to intervene in a domestic election.

Mr Obama, in a speech on Wednesday, said President George Bush had chosen the wrong battlefield in Iraq and should have concentrated on Afghanistan and Pakistan. He said he would not hesitate to use force to take out those who pose a threat to the US and if the Pakistan president, Pervez Musharraf, would not act, he would.
That speech may have played well with Democratic activists and the public at large. But before any poll could be held to test reaction, Mr Obama showed uncertainty yesterday in an interview with the Associated Press.
He appeared to be caught off guard when he was asked if he would use nuclear weapons against al-Qaida in Pakistan. Mr Obama replied: “I think it would be a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons in any circumstance.” He added: “…involving civilians”.
Demonstrating a degree of unpreparedness, he went on to say: “Let me scratch that. There’s been no discussion of nuclear weapons. That’s not on the table.”
Ms Clinton immediately pounced, portraying herself as more savvy and dependable on foreign affairs. “Presidents should be very careful at all times in discussing the use or non-use of nuclear weapons,” she said.
“Presidents, since the cold war, have used nuclear deterrence to keep the peace. And I don’t believe that any president should make any blanket statements with respect to the use or non-use of nuclear weapons.”
Joe Biden, another Democratic rival, described him as naive while Chris Dodd, who has only an outside chance of securing the nomination, said he was inconsistent.

This is what you get when you’ve only spent two years in the Senate and think you’re ready to run the country.
Clinton should be thanking the Lord every day for Obama. I must admit that I thought it would be a disadvantage for Clinton to have someone like Obama in the race. I thought he would pull her too far to the left but she is not stupid enough to go off the cliff with Obama. She seems like the voice of experience compared to him. I would think this would be helpful for her in the general.

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