Can’t believe they did it: Under pressure from President Bush, the House gave final approval Saturday to changes in a terrorism surveillance program, despite serious objections from many Democrats about the scope of the executive branch’s new eavesdropping power. Racing to complete a final rush of legislation before a scheduled monthlong break, the House voted…

Allahpundit has a good point about the atheists’ new campaign to out themselves: …all that’s missing is an irritating, consciousness-raising chant. “We’re here, we’re … not crippled by superstitious fear, get used to it”? Doesn’t flow. “We doubt, we’re out, get used to it,” maybe? Alas, nothing rhymes with “skeptical.” Here’s the homepage, which marks…

Don’t they have to have standing? As you enter the small town of Alorton, Ill., you’ll see two green-and-white billboards that read: “Welcome to The Village of Alorton. Where Jesus is Lord. Randy McCallum Mayor.” As if on cue, the American Civil Liberties Union is objecting. The group says the signs may be unconstitutional, but…

See? The Republicans aren’t obstructionists, they got this bill passed in the Senate and 17 Democrats joined them: The vote commenced on the McConnell-Bond measure shortly after 9PM, to be followed by the vote on the Rockefeller version. For either bill to pass on to the House, it required a 60 vote margin. What made…

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