If this is true and he leads in contributions, it will be a sad day for the Republican party and won’t bode well for next year. In an interview to be aired later today on Bloomberg’s Political Capital with Al Hunt, Rep. Ron Paul said he has raised more than $9 million in the past…

He said that he knew how to tie a noose but he wouldn’t because he didn’t want to get into trouble. Little did he know that just talking about a noose would get him suspended. Amazing! Kids actually hit other kids and nothing happens to them but say the word “noose” and you get kicked…

Maybe if they keep trying, they’ll find a country that will prosecute him: The Paris prosecutors’ office has dismissed a suit against Donald Rumsfeld accusing the former U.S. defense secretary of torture, human rights groups who brought the case said on Friday. The plaintiffs, who included the French-based International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (FIDH)…

Here is a WGA produced Internet video to advertise their side in the writers’ strike but it really is good propaganda for the other side. Who doesn’t want to see a silent Sean Penn? 🙂 Maybe we can stand to have this strike go on for a little bit longer if it means that Sean…

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