Thompson issued the following press release responding to comments made by Huckabee on Fox News Sunday. MIKE HUCKABEE MISLEADS CHRIS WALLACE ABOUT HIS RECORD AS GOVERNOR THIS MORNING ON FOX NEWS SUNDAY: Huckabee Claim: “We didn’t raise [taxes] on nursing home patients. That was a quality assurance fee.” · Fact: Huckabee implemented a $5.25 per…

EEP! Mozilla has taken another security blow with the discovery that Google user accounts can be accessed through a dangerous Firefox exploit. The vulnerability, which is still in the wild some 10 days after its discovery on, allows hackers to access Google accounts, including Gmail, with cross-site scripting attacks. A client or server-side exploit…

Yes, that’s an actual quote from Mike Huckabee in the not to distant past. Can you believe that at one time (not so long ago) Huckabee actually espoused the position of both Romney and Thompson on abortion? John Hawkins: Switching gears again, do you think we should overturn Roe v. Wade? Mike Huckabee: It would…

Elephant Biz has posted an interesting analysis of the Republican presidential race that looks plausible. It’s shaping up to be a two man race in the north between Rudy and Romney and a two man race in the south between Thompson and Huckabee with the winner decided at the convention.

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