Larry Kudlow doesn’t think so: An energetic and forceful Fred Thompson sat down with me last week on Kudlow and Company to talk politics and the economy. The former Tennessee senator was in good form – more animated than I’ve seen him, and definitely a different person than the one I interviewed six months ago.…

I’m sorry, but I’m not going to vote for someone based on whether they support the HLA or not because THERE IS NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT!!! Absolutely nothing! This is not an issue in the presidential race and Huckabee is trying to make it an issue because it’s all he’s got. He’s certainly…

Mike Huckabee’s Chuck Norris facts sound like they could have been written by Frank J. (they sound like his Thompson facts). Thompson’s campaign reacts to ad: “With his new campaign ad featuring Chuck Norris, Mike Huckabee has confused celebrity endorsement with serious policy. What would Huckabee do to secure America’s border against millions of illegal…

John Fund asks Romney about giving “the speech” and about what Rep. Bob Inglis is reported to have said to him, “You cannot equate Mormonism with Christianity; you cannot say, ‘I am a Christian just like you.'” “I don’t recall the conversation so precisely that I can describe my exact reaction to that.” Recall precisely.…

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