For bin Laden: We’re floundering in a quagmire in Iraq. Our strategy is flawed, and it’s too late to change it. Our resources have been squandered, our best people killed, we’re hated by the natives and our reputation around the world is circling the drain. We must withdraw. No, I’m not channeling Senate Majority Leader…

I’m sure that you all have heard about this already but it’s such good news that I couldn’t help but comment. Thank you, Lord that this man has turned back from this heinous endeavor to pursue research that will ultimately be less damaging to humanity. Prof Ian Wilmut’s decision to turn his back on “therapeutic…

A big thank you to Canada for their help in fighting the Taliban. Canadian and Afghan troops pushed into a Taliban heartland in southern Afghanistan, fought off fierce counter-attacks and fortified an outpost on Sunday to stay in the area. An Afghan Defence Ministry spokesman said at least 12 Taliban fighters were killed and another…

Fellowship in the suffering of Christ (Phil. 3:10)? Who needs that? Just give me the money: (via)”I didn’t come here on Delta! I have my own plane!” elicits a standing o in the church. 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving…

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