Well, here’s a neighborhood that has been doing it for generations. Why haven’t we heard about it before? At its oldest spot, a small dusty strip of dirt road near a mosque, the neighborhood of Bab al Sheik – a maze of snaking streets too narrow for cars – dates from a time, more than…

Has Howard Dean become the Democrats’ chief theologian? Will universalism become a part of the Democrat party platform? Who knew they had a position on salvation: Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean came out for inclusive team prayers in public schools while speaking Sunday to a gathering of thousands of Jewish leaders, according to a…

That was John McCain at a very small campaign stop (someone’s house): “If you don’t agree with the “Gang of 14″ solution then I am not your candidate and you should vote for someone else.” Senator McCain went on to highlight the fact that under the Gang of 14 solution, the Senate did confirm conservative…

Fred Thompson! Yeah! Finally, an endorsement outside of Tenn. 🙂 Surprising that it wasn’t Huckabee since it was looking like Huckabee was picking up Fred’s former support. This is much better than Pat Robertson.

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